
Some additional insights on body language

That first impression could be wrong. A study done at UCLA has shown that up to 93 percent of effective communication is determined non-verbally. An additional study determined that the impact of a performance was determined on the following basis: 7 percent by the words used 38 percent by the voice quality 55 percent by non- verbal communication In my practice I have consistently told my clients that they have only 90 seconds to make an impression.  The rest of the time the other party is confirming in their minds what they have already decided about you. Think about this for a moment.  We are being told that people make up their minds about you not so much on what →

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What type of consultant is best for a medium size business?

An industry specific consultant for a macro problem is not the answer. Most Owners and Managers look for a consultant that has had years of experience in their industry.   I have found this to be the wrong decision for the following reasons: The apparent problem in a company is seldom the real problem. Industry specific business consultants tend to look at a business that they themselves have been part of for years, and zoom in on the apparent technical flaw.  They could miss the real issue entirely because of this. The real major problem seldom turns out to be a systems, technical, procedural or even an industry specific problem. This real problem is often related to one of the →

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America, Wake Up!

As the Steep Downward Slide of US Students accelerates, what will the consequences be?  The facts are embarrassingly clear.  Compared to students across the world, the USA is soundly beaten by at least 29 other countries in Math, by19 countries in Reading, and by 22 countries in Science. What an absolute disgrace!  How the mighty have fallen!  Not only that, we’re actually getting worse as the downward slide is increasing! Who’s ahead of us in these areas?  China, Korea, Japan, Switzerland, Netherlands, Finland, Canada, Poland, Belgium, Germany, Vietnam, Austria, Ireland, Denmark, New Zealand, France , the UK, to name a few.* The spin artists, apologists, and defenders of the education status quo in the US will undoubtedly respond and paint →

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Effective Communication

POSITIVES. When in discussion we tend to seek out the weak areas and pounce on them. Find something positive in what the other person has said and give them credit for that. Use their names if there are more than two parties in the discussion. My professor at university once told me we could ignore everything that has been said before the words “Yes, but.” Bear this in mind.

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Superior Service is What It’s All About

Every time you have any contact whatsoever with a customer, that customer forms an opinion about you and your company.

Listen! Listen to what your customer is saying. Ask questions and more questions. Only when you fully understand the customer’s real need, will it work for you and the customer. Keep notes on what’s really important –you have to know your customer.

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Attention Family Business Owners

What to do before the Leader is no longer there…

To continue running your business successfully when you are no longer involved, it may be better to make the underperforming family member who is destined to run the company a shareholder, and to let a non -family member run the company.

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